Monday, August 25, 2008

Some Interesting waves from the Summer

Well the Summer didn't yield the paddling I was hoping for, but we were pretty busy with home renos, my Masters and regular chores. I did however come by some interesting waves that I thought I would mention.

Powerhouse Wave

I saw this one mentioned on a website so I thought I would check it out. There are a whole bunch of signs that say not boating, so I wonder if kayaking counts? Regardless, the flows were less than those I was on the website. This wave is coming out of Gardner Dam, about 1hr north of my wife's families cabin in Saskatchewan.

This is the play wave in downtown Missoula, Montana. For a town of 65,ooo they're doing pretty good. I wish we had such a wave in our town!

Well, maybe someday we can get something like that here. Any ideas?