a typical section at medium? flows
This makes it a painful experience at even medium flows and a really dangerous one at high flows. The steep combined with never ending boulder obstacles makes boat scouting a vegas like risk. Expect to scout most everything.
the painful parts
That being said, there are some really great rapids on this run. I don’t think, they make up for the inbetween sections though.
The road to this run was closed when I got there. I believe the upper road is closed during peak run off. The hike up is a couple of kilometers. I went past the first prominent roadside drop.
This was a mistake. There is little fun whitewater further up. I stopped at a pretty meadow and had some painful ports around beaverdams and logs.
There are two significant drops in this run. They are fairly close together. The first drops into a transverse slot.
horizon line view of 1st main drop
deceptively nice looking view of 1st main drop
This looked a bit dodgy. The second is a long slide combo. This was stellar. I would characterize it as a smaller, maybe steeper version of brave bear on nearby bear creek. A quick hike and huck to only this drop is probably the best way to do this creek.
maybe 30 -40 ft total elevation drop
There are a few very nice rapids lower on the run that are visible adjacent to the road. Because of the boulder bashing and scouting requirements, most people probably won’t be linking these sections together. If the water if chugging and you’ve fully pre-scouted for wood, the lower sections of this run would be absolutely fantastic read and run creeking.
a deceptively steep looking view of the roadside rapids. This one is immediately below a nice camping / pullout spot next to the river
Lost Horse Bouldering & Climbing
Thanks for the report, Chris. Sounds like you had quite the adventure to open the season with. Look forward to doing some paddling with you this year.
Yeah - this was actually last year though!
Looks great Chris. I am keeping my weekends open and my gear packed.
These pictures looked sweet. I especially liked the one of the painful rapids. Definetly looked loggy and too many boulders! You got some sweet pics Chris
I think my paddle blades are now down to sea kayak size. Easier on my shoulders, but people are starting to look askew.
I should have figured that it wasn't this season as there is o snow and ice... beautiful green leaves (duh) :-)
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