I went out for a run on the Lower Saint today, but the long take out hike had a backhoe working near the old farm house. I decided i would try the welling ford take out, but 1/4 of the way back on the bicycle shuttle, I realized I had forgot my helmet, so called it a day.
On the way back though, I salvaged things by doing a short run on the Belly. With my parents now living in the area, a number of the farm roads have opened up. I thought about doing the super short run by taking out just after the canal where the old road heads down. Instead I decided to go a ways past the monster log house on the hill, down past the gravel pit, just before the high water play spot.
The river was at 8cms or so. While you could paddle it a bit lower, I wouldn't want to. The wave around the corner of the put in was good. I spent some time there and notice that a large eddy fence of small boulders now exists just above the wave. With a few more rock, eddy service should be had to this feature. More water now pours into it, and it resembles the river left side of double trouble. After hopping back in it, spins were pretty easy. One does have to watch out for the underwater ledge though. At these low flows it comes close to the surface. Right now the feature is more of a hole than anything else. There are eddies on both sides that you can catch. However with water still pouring through the small fence, you still don't have that much time to get back up.
A few trees on the canal are leaning into the river quite a bit. A saw would do wonders to clean that up. The first ledge is fun at these levels. Being by myself, I didn't play in it much. It is a tongue into a compression hole. There are nice eddies on either side, but if you wait too long on your roll, the ledge below comes up quick. This one is again a fun run at these flows, but probably a poorer play spot. The last weir like ledge is still weir like. The low flows however mean the pillow isn't too high. Since there weren't any more play features until my take out, I am thinking this could become a decent play run. Hang out at the wave on the corner, and then bash through the holes on the canal. Then hike the boats out on the old road.
A seismic survey has strung a number of unflagged cables across the river. Watch out. However I think they are in the process of taking the down right now.
Oh Cameron creek also looks like it can be run. Due to the way the water drains into it, I would put in at McNealy's not oil city.