Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hairpin 95

Originally uploaded by cgoble72.
Here's a picture from Stew showing Rob Novotny in roughly the same spot as Clay. Apparently the flows in this picture were around 400cms to 500cms. It looks like that extra 100cms turns all those great surf waves into crashing wave holes.

Thanks for the picture stew. Another one is here. It looks like the flume this year at high water was quite different. The waves at the end seemed to get bigger and more roller coaster like.


Anonymous said...

Surf's Up!!

After release cut-back to 5 cms, the St. Mary Dam has again been opened - current release of 40 cms with anticipated increase up 80 (??) later today if rain continues in the SW.

Warm-water surfin' this weekend.

Anonymous said...

When are you heading out?