Monday, May 02, 2005


After the AGM the other day, a few ideas were tossed out about big trips. Suggestions included the upper Middle Fork of the Flathead, some long Class II, and some canoe trips.

With info that the North Fork of the Flathead may not be as interesting as I had hoped, perhaps a trip down the upper Middle Fork in June would be good. I am fairly open to dates. Perhaps the first week would avoid the peak water, while still letting us run down Bear creek. I would plan on doing the 2-3km hike up to Granite creek, and then bouncing down to the Flathead where we would hit Spruce Grove Rapids (IV). Any takers? Any other big trips people would like?

I would still like to get down to the Bitteroots for a weekend before the water there gets too low. Perhaps the start of June as well?

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